Year 6 study of famous El Salvadoran artist, Fernando Llort

Year 6 study of famous El Salvadoran artist, Fernando Llort

Year 6 study of famous El Salvadoran artist, Fernando Llort

PUBLISHED 18 March 2021

In Art, our Year 6 children have been continuing to study the artwork of the famous El Salvadoran artist, Fernando Llort. They have looked at his paintings and noticed that he often uses houses in his work as he likes to draw simple things that illustrate La Parma life to include birds, trees, farm animals, and much more.


This week, Mrs Hine challenged the children to create their own 3D model of tiny houses in the style of the artist. They soon got busy making their homes individual decorating each side of the house with bright colours. Well done Johnnie for his great attention to detail in this task!


Next week, the children will have the opportunity to create their own Fernando Llort inspired footwear dividing different sections of the shoes with geometric patterns. The children have absolutely loved Mrs Hine’s challenges throughout lockdown and couldn’t wait to resume their lessons with her again this week. Well done everyone!

CATEGORIES: Creative Arts
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