Through the study of Computer Science, our students have ample opportunity to develop their ability to solve problems and apply critical thinking, as well as demonstrating their inquisitiveness and tenacity.
During the Lower School course, we interweave digital literacy skills such as the use of Microsoft Teams and Office applications with the delivery of a Computer Science curriculum that focuses on how computers work. In the first three years, we cover topics ranging from how data is encoded, how networks work, the concepts of computational thinking and programming in Python. At GCSE, we follow the OCR course which expands on the material covered in Lower School, particularly the design of algorithms and advanced coding techniques.
In addition to lessons, students are encouraged to practise their coding skills in Python across a range of platforms including BBC Microbits, Raspberry Pi projects and Minecraft Education Edition.
I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. Isaac Asimov
The difference between us and a computer is that the computer is blindingly stupid, but it is capable of being stupid many, many million times a second. Douglas Adams
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. Edsger Dijkstra
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