AKS Nursery Report 2019-20

Nursery Report 2019/20

Nursery Report 2019/20

PUBLISHED 12 July 2020

Vicky Reynolds, Nursery Manager 


New Literacy and Numeracy Champions 

This year in Nursery we have introduced Numeracy and Literacy Champions. Loraine is our Numeracy Champion and Lucinda is our Literacy Champion. This has enabled us to work closely with all the children in building their Academic Ambition through smaller group work and fun activities. The Champions have proved to be a positive introduction increasing the children’s academic attainment and their passion for both subjects. 

Specialist Teaching – French, Music and PE  

Once a week the children across Nursery enjoy specialised subjects taught by our specialist teachers. Mrs Westcott teaches French to all children, including simple songs and words in the Toddler classes, to more complex songs and advanced words in our Pre-school. We even sang a song to our mummies and daddies in French at the end of our Christmas play.  

Mr Thomas teaches music, introducing them to many different instruments as well as enhancing their vocabulary bank and understanding of things such as fast, slow, quiet and soft. His friend ‘Leonard, the teddy’ is also a big hit with all the children.  

PE with Mr Moretti has also been a great success. The Toddler children enjoy movements linked to stories such as The Gruffalo or We are going on a Bear Hunt.  Pre-school have been learning techniques in different sports such as basketball and rugby. Our PE lessons also take place in the Senior School Sports Hall meaning that the children access the amazing facilities across our full site.  

Developing our Environment  

As a Nursery, we are looking at our indoor environment and making it more natural and inviting by bringing the ‘outside inside’. This means that we are using more natural materials and enhancing the classrooms with the use of plants and more neutral coloured storage. We would like our environment to be a place of peace and tranquillity.  

AUTHOR: Alex Brown
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