We welcome external applicants to join our Reception class in addition to those who transition from our Pre-School classes.
Families are highly recommended to attend our Open Days in October and March to see our school in action. Amanda Ilhan, Head of Nursery and Prep, will also be delighted to welcome you for a private tour at your convenience.
Registrations for Reception open following our annual whole school Open Day in October. Children will be invited to attend our Reception Taster Day in January and to participate in our Transition Programme from March onwards.
External families will be invited to attend briefing meetings with our Pre-School parents, the first of which will explain the transition process, with the second focusing on the curriculum, uniform and other pertinent information, as well as providing an opportunity to have your questions answered.
If you would like any further information, or would like to make an enquiry, please contact us at admissions@akslytham.com.
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