Senior School Summer Concert 2023

Senior School Summer Concert 2023

Senior School Summer Concert 2023

PUBLISHED 03 July 2023

Our Performing Arts department ended on a high this term, with a spectacular final concert, which was particularly emotional for the seven Year 13s who performed for the last time before moving on to new adventures next year. 

It was the final concert for A level music students and the evening's hosts, Louis and Miranda, who both look forward to careers in music, following their further education at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and the University of Cambridge. Before handing the baton on to Hugo (Year 11) and Maia (Year 12), they performed a surprise duet together, 'A Song in My Heart'.

As usual, the eclectic mix of music included the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, performed by the String Ensemble, A Whiter Shade of Pale, performed by the Concert Band, the Sesame Street Theme, by the Swing Band, Five Hebrew Love Songs, sung by the Chamber Choir, piano solos from both Zara and Maia (Year 12), in addition to Louis. 

Vocal solos included Charlie, Liberty, Louis and Miranda (Year 13), Jess and Alex (Year 11), whereas Rossana (Year 13) and Hugo (Year 11) entertained with solos on the bass and saxophone. It was also great to see 8:fifteen, our Year 11 student-led band out in force with 'River Deep - Mountain High'.

Fittingly, the concert ended with students from Years 7 to 13 taking to the stage together to sing, 'You Raise Me Up' and 'Something Inside So Strong'.

Congratulations to everyone, a huge thank you to our dedicated music staff team and we wish our Year 13s all the best for the future. We look forward to hearing all about your adventures, when you to return to AKS as OAKS.

CATEGORIES: News, Creative Arts
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