Prep School Spring Concert

Prep School Spring Concert

Prep School Spring Concert

PUBLISHED 10 March 2023

This term's instrumental concert was another triumph, with several new faces taking to the stage, alongside our frequent performers. This included Ariella and Harriet from Year 1 who opened the concert on the piano and George (Year 4)'s superb vocal performance of The Dinosaur Gang.

The number of performances (48), standard, and the diversity of both instruments and genres are testament to the level of enthusiasm for music across the Prep School. By the time the children are in Year 6, almost half are taking to the stage to perform solos on a range of instruments, including piano, clarinet, voice, guitar, drums, and saxophone.

In particular, it is fantastic to see so many clarinetists in Year 6 who have taken up the clarinet following their introduction to it in Year 5 as a class via the PTA 'instruments for all' scheme - whereby each year group has the chance to learn a different orchestral instrument together in class, funded by the PTA.

The growth of vocalists is also notable and coincides with the creation of Prep School's Chamber Choir (a sub-set of the main Prep Choir), which provides greater challenge and development for our most talented singers. 

Another debut performance was that of the Brass Group who follow in the footsteps of our Flute Ensemble and Year 6 band, the Attic Monkeys. These ensembles provide an additional opportunity for children to play together and further opportunities for growth and development.

The children are also to be commended for their confidence, composure, and hard work. Many thanks to our peripatetic teachers who teach the children on a one-to-one basis for their instrumental lessons and to Mr Thomas for his infectious enthusiasm, belief in the children, and ambition to put AKS Prep music on the map!

Please contact if you would like your child to commence instrumental lessons at school.

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