Sixth Form Evening of Inquiry

Sixth Form Evening of Inquiry

Sixth Form Evening of Inquiry

PUBLISHED 24 March 2022

Wednesday night, 23rd March, saw the Sixth Form common room taken over for a night of Inquiry Learning.

The Year 12 scholars have been working hard on their inquiry projects and this was an opportunity to share with their parents, teachers, and other students what they have learnt, not only about their chosen topic but also about the inquiry process. This was a highly successful evening and it was very pleasing to see so many people sharing their newfound knowledge.

The topics were diverse, showing a wide range of different interests from the students, including stem cell research, antisemitism in post Second World War West Germany, and the distribution of prime numbers. In total 14 students presented their work as a combination of a 2,500-word essay and an accompanying academic poster. 

It is hoped that this is the start of many evenings to come highlighting the academic potential of AKS students.

Nick O'Loughlin, Head of Student Inquiry.

AUTHOR: Alex Brown
CATEGORIES: News, Sixth Form
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