It’s a Musical and Multilingual Christmas at AKS!

It’s a Musical and Multilingual Christmas at AKS!

It’s a Musical and Multilingual Christmas at AKS!

PUBLISHED 12 December 2019

Update by Mrs Wescott, MFL Coordinator, AKS Nursery and Preparatory School

Now that we are officially in the run up to Christmas, our children are enthusiastically memorising new vocabulary and practising their vocal skills, while learning about Christmas traditions in other countries during their very musical Modern Foreign Languages lessons.

Year 1 and Year 2 have been reciting a sparkling French Christmas poem, ‘Étincelle’ with twinkly, sparkly actions, while Y3 are starry-eyed and hearty-voiced in their rendition of the very Christmassy ‘Brille, brille, petite etoile’.

Meanwhile our talented and multilingual KS2 performed beautifully at last Friday's Big Brass Band Concert, when they performed ’Silent Night’ in four languages.

At AKS we introduce a carousel of language-learning in Years 4, 5 and 6, with the children taking a term each of French, German and Spanish to give them a great grounding for the further MFL study opportunities they will get in our senior school.

Our KS2 polyglots have been practising in their respective Spanish, French and German lessons and came together at the concert to treat the audience to a multilingual version of this beautiful Christmas carol that is sung in many European countries.

We wish all our pupils and their families a Merry Christmas from the MFL department.

Frohe Weihnachten, Feliz Navidad and Joyeux Noël à tous!

AUTHOR: Alex Brown
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