Our Round Square Visitor and Prep School Assembly

Our Round Square Visitor and Prep School Assembly

Our Round Square Visitor and Prep School Assembly

PUBLISHED 11 February 2020

On Wednesday 5th February the AKS Preparatory school had a visit from Andrew Matthews the Round Square Schools Support Director for Europe and the Mediterranean.  Mr Mathews is a former Deputy Head of Latymer Upper School London. His career has included various roles including Head of Department and Deputy Head in both state and private schools. He has also worked at the Department for the Environment in Westminster.

Round Square is a global network of schools that prepares young people with a passion to protect the environment and acquire a global awareness through a character education. Mr Mathews, Mrs Ilhan, children and teachers that are involved with the Round Square ideals and discovery framework in school had a lunch time meeting. We looked at some of the projects the children have worked on during the academic year.

In the afternoon we held a whole school assembly which showed how the Round Square framework is embedded in our school ethos and we looked at examples from each of the six main committees.  Children from the Internationalism, Democracy, Environmental, Adventure, Leadership and Service committees all spoke about events they had organised and the various fund raising activities they had initiated and run. Year 6 pupils visited the Houses of Parliament last year with Mr Rice and Mrs Ilhan. Robert the Adventure leader raised enough money to buy a piece of playground equipment by designing an obstacle course event. Pupils in the Leadership committee ran the AKS Talent show and the Internationalism committee had a worldwide quiz and a fantastic fashion show. The Environmental committee members attended the North West Eco schools conference to look at ways to reuse, reduce and recycle.

Members of the School council and Service committee also spoke about how we work together in school to share ideas. We heard one example from Olivia in Year 4 about the cake sale she had organised for the Edward Dee charity, which raised £236 towards research into meningitis.  We finished the assembly with a thought- provoking song ‘Save the Earth’ about protecting and caring for the environment. The children thoroughly enjoyed our assembly and it was inspiring to hear all about the child-led initiatives and projects the pupils are involved in across our school.

The Round Square Discovery Framework connects the IDEALS with twelve Discoveries which students explore on their learning journey: inquisitiveness, tenacity, courage, compassion, inventiveness, the ability to solve problems, self-awareness, and a sense of responsibility, appreciation for diversity, commitment to sustainability, communication and team-working skills.

Mrs Blinston

Year 4 Class Teacher

RS Environmentalism Leader.

AUTHOR: Glen Harding
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