
'Masculinity in Modern Times' - Lytham Speaker Series Parent Talk

'Masculinity in Modern Times' - Lytham Speaker Series Parent Talk

PUBLISHED 19 February 2020

13th February

Event Summary from the Lytham Parents' Speaker Series, a not-for-profit community event series developed for parents, by parents, hosted in our preparatory school hall. For more information about the series, please visit our dedicated webpage, or follow the @LythamSpeakerSeries community page on Facebook.

"Last Thursday we welcomed Paul Hughes to Lytham Parents' Speaker Series to talk about 'Masculinity in Modern Times'. He gave a highly engaging and entertaining talk, drawing from his experience of working in the military, SAS and elite sportsmen; as well as his personal experiences of mental health, sexuality and SEN.

His top tips for keeping our teens engaged included: (1) keeping the channels of communication open; (2) encouraging them to learn new things in order to maximise myelination and make optimal use of their brain capacity; (3) continuing to broaden their horizons by gaining new experiences; and (4) encouraging them to set goals as a way of helping them take responsibility and ownership for their futures. In the spirit of learning, the website Paul recommended was www.

Many thanks to those who gave their feedback, as it helps us to continually improve. It was great to hear that attendees found him "totally inspiring", "exceptional" and "very likeable". Many thanks also to our sponsors Fylde Coast Ymca who supported this event and to AKS Lytham for hosting us.

Our next event is "Resilience: positive risk-taking and personal development" which will take place on 30th April. Tickets will go on sale from AKS Lytham school offices from 30th March (£5 advance; £2 p.p. childcare). More information to follow."

AUTHOR: Alex Brown
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