Mr Holmes, Assistant Head, Lower School

Mr Holmes, Assistant Head, Lower School

Mr Holmes, Assistant Head, Lower School

PUBLISHED 13 May 2020

What is your role at AKS?   
Assistant Head of Lower School 

Where did you study or work before coming to AKS or what were your previous roles?  
I was a rugby development officer and did my teacher training at King Edward and Queen Mary’s 

Why did you become a teacher?  
I love sport and working with young people, so becoming a PE teacher was a dream job 

What's the best thing about working at AKS?  
Definitely the pupils, I get a real sense of pride when seeing students develop as they progress through school.   

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.  
If I won the lottery I would live in Alaska for a year. 

What is your favourite book and why?  
Lord of the Flies, I love the adventure and thought of being stranded on a desert island having to survive. 

Who would you most like to meet (past or present) and what would you ask them?  
Sir David Attenborough, he has been a hero of mine since I was young. I would ask if I could go with him on the next trip. 

Where in the world would you like to visit and why?  
Alaska, for the nature and remote wilderness. 

What one piece of advice would you give to the AKS students?  
Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way and step out of your comfort zone. 

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