Jasper’s Lockdown Challenge to Raise Money for NHS

Jasper’s Lockdown Challenge to Raise Money for NHS

Jasper’s Lockdown Challenge to Raise Money for NHS

PUBLISHED 19 May 2020

Year 8 AKS student Jasper is raising money for NHS Charities Together who are running an urgent COVID-19 Appeal.


Jasper initially started running at the beginning of lockdown, to keep fit in case the rugby season restarted and was enjoying doing the bleep test at home.  He then began to run around the estate where he lived to improve his fitness, as being away from school most of his sports had stopped.  He then had an idea of how he could help others whilst keeping fit and healthy:


Jasper explained “After watching the news about Coronavirus I thought maybe I could try to raise money for the NHS through running.”


He has decided to run every day in the morning before online schooling starts, and four evenings a week.  


“I have been running now for over two weeks and run between 2.5 km to 5 km each time.  I am guessing I have now run over 50 km”.


So far he has raised well over £100 and his pledge is to continue this running challenge until school restarts.


What a wonderful and generous thing to do Jasper, well done, we are all proud of you! #AKSAtHome #SuccessAndValue


Any donations, no matter how small or large would be gratefully received – and can be made through the following link:


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