AKS Lytham Careers Talk Actuarial Science

OAKS Introduce... Careers Talk (Actuarial Science)

OAKS Introduce... Careers Talk (Actuarial Science)

PUBLISHED 28 June 2020

By Yusuf, Year 10

On Thursday the 25th of June Mr Maund hosted a webinar, featuring Imogen Hirsh (AKS Class of 2015), on Actuarial Science. Imogen studied Physics at King’s College London and then completed a Masters Degree in Financial and Actuarial Maths at the University of Liverpool.

Imogen discussed how she was inspired to become an actuary, as well as her experiences at University whilst studying for her final exam. We also learnt what an actuary does and about the different types of fields within the job. An actuary is a business professional who deals with the measurement of risk and uncertainty. Imogen mentioned that, once qualified, actuaries could work in insurance companies, consulting firms and even the government!

Before the webinar started, I personally, had no idea that this career choice even existed! The talk was informative and very helpful. Imogen presented the idea that being an actuary didn’t always revolve around maths and that every day was a different day in the office. She also mentioned a wide range of subjects you could take to get into actuarial science; however, you do need A level Maths with a good grade. There was so much interesting information and content covered in this 30-minute presentation.

I am very grateful for the opportunities that these webinars give us. I would recommend both pupils and parents participate in these webinars, as you may find that they open up career ideas and pathways that may interest you. I would like to say thank you to Mr Maund and especially Imogen Hirsh for taking some time out of their day to inspire many students about this possible career choice!

AUTHOR: Alex Brown
CATEGORIES: News, Sixth Form
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