"Heart-stopping fun" in Year 6

"Heart-stopping fun" in Year 6

"Heart-stopping fun" in Year 6

PUBLISHED 29 April 2021

We've had a fantastic time during Science Week in Year 6!

All pupils from Reception to Year 6 participated in various hands-on experiments as part of this special week across Prep. There was a real buzz around the school and chatter about who made a "double bubble" and which biscuit withstood the most dunking! It was so much fun, the children hardly realised how much they were learning!

Biscuit-dunking - which biscuits made better ‘dunkers’ and does the size, thickness, coating, or sugar content affect its performance?

Bubble-blowing - We explored if adding sugar to a bubble solution affected its bubbles in any way. Well done to Anika who identified that adding sugar affects evaporation, making them last longer by slowing down how quickly the bubbles dry out!

3D Illusions - We drew our own 3D illusions - a special mention to Eddie who joined his class remotely and produced a drawing of a hand that looked like it was holding a ‘real life’ apple!

Flying inventions - we built and tested our own paper aeroplanes to assess which of four designs would fly the furthest (Rocket, Falcon, Bulldog Dart and Super Glider). 

Change - The first experiment involved everyone holding a piece of chocolate in their hands for five minutes and seeing if it changed at all; we then created homemade ice cream and created a drinks dispenser using a plastic bottle, a straw and a balloon. 

Heart dissection - Once donned in surgical gloves, aprons and equipped with trays and scissors, the children rolled up their sleeves and got busy with their planned dissection. The children had the opportunity to hold the hearts as well as look closely at the different ventricles, veins and arteries to help them understand more about how the blood flows around the body being pumped through the heart. They learned about the four chambers of the heart and how they all work together in a continuous and coordinated effort to keep oxygen-rich blood circulating throughout the body. They soon noticed a big difference between the left and the right side before being able to cut the heart open to see the internal structure more clearly. Despite being a little gruesome at times, they all enjoyed poking their fingers through the vessels and chambers to see where they led, before talking about what they identified and discovered.

It's been a hugely fun learning week in AKS Prep, and it's been great to see just how mature the children were during the lessons posing many fantastic questions!

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