Sweeney Todd Rehearsal Diary Entry – Georgina W (Year 9)

Sweeney Todd Rehearsal Diary Entry – Georgina W (Year 9)

Sweeney Todd Rehearsal Diary Entry – Georgina W (Year 9)

PUBLISHED 21 November 2024

This week we have gone over Act 1 and started some numbers in Act 2.

On Monday we rehearsed and polished 'Pirelli's Miracle Elixer'. I think that it is going great so far and will look amazing on stage! It is one of my favourite songs that we perform. We also started 'The Contest', which I loved doing! I love Penny's Italian accent, and that I get pulled in for a kiss, which is very funny because our faces are so close, and we are trying hard not to laugh, I think I need to work on being flustered when I get pushed back up after the kiss.

Wednesday's rehearsal ran until 6:30 and we refreshed everything we did on Monday. It's going really well but we are still trying to figure out 'The Ballad of Sweeney Todd' which is our opening number, I'm sure we will get there soon.

Thursday saw a successful full Act 1 run-through, although it was better than the previous Act 1 run through there are still gaps and areas we need to work on. The music, acting and singing is really coming together, and I can definitely tell we are getting closer to my favourite week of the year...show week. It's great for the cast to perform these run-throughs as they help bring the storyline to life and give us a strong idea of what the final performance will be like.

On Sunday we practiced 'God That's Good', this is my favourite number of the whole show! It's fast and slow and is exciting to perform. We all wore our drama blacks for the programme photography, we posed for freeze frames from various scenes from the musical and we were all very excited to see the pictures.

Overall, I think this week was a great success, we have made so much progress! I have laughed and enjoyed this week so much and now I can't wait for show week and the final performances. I love going to Drama after school or on a weekend, it feels like I'm with my second family. The AKS Drama community is amazing, I already can't wait for next year so we can do it all over again!

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