Wellness Wednesday: control the controllables

Wellness Wednesday: control the controllables

Wellness Wednesday: control the controllables

PUBLISHED 22 March 2023

In today's 'Wellness Wednesday' message to all staff, Mandy Briggs, Year 4 teacher and PSHE and Wellbeing Co-ordinator for Prep School shared some advice about controlling the controllables. We hope you find it as supportive as we did! Thank you Mandy!


"What a busy week! Tests, marking, reports, lower school play rehearsals and that's just school. Lots to do at home too. It has been a week where I have needed to be in control. My husband uses the saying, 'control the controllables.' 

I had to make sure I met a number of deadlines and manage my time efficiently and productively. I used lots of planning and flexibility each day to make sure I did all I needed to. However, the one thing that kept me going was 'positive thinking'.

Phrases such as 'keep going', 'nearly there' and 'you can do it' kept going through my mind this week. 

There were some jobs I just needed to leave, so prioritising was key. 

One of the most effective ways of managing conflict and challenging times is knowing what you can and cannot control. Focusing on the controllables reduces anxiety and promotes confidence. 

This diagram is a good example of what we can and cannot control.

Have a positive and productive week."


AUTHOR: Alex Brown
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