Year 3 assembly – Fair’s Fair and learning across the curriculum

Year 3 assembly – Fair’s Fair and learning across the curriculum

Year 3 assembly – Fair’s Fair and learning across the curriculum

PUBLISHED 31 January 2020

Year 3 have been reading ‘Fair’s Fair’ by Leon Garfield, a story about homeless children in Victorian times. In their recent assembly, they showcased how much they had learnt by looking at the themes across their different subject areas in the curriculum with their teacher, Mrs Briggs. They acted out scenes from the book, featuring Growler the dog played by Will, and Jackson, a homeless boy, played by Rupert. All the children were amazing and it was a real team effort. The assembly wove together lessons the children had learnt relating to history, RE, PSHE, creative writing, reading and art.

Sharing their book with us provided ample opportunity to explore ‘expanded noun phrases’ (rich descriptive terms) to make their writing more exciting. They also looked at how various literacy techniques, such as inverted commas can bring their writing to life. These are just one of the 87 literary techniques that the children will have mastered by the time they are in Year 6.

We then heard about Dr Banardo’s story, and about how he developed from a self-centred young boy into a doctor and philanthropist who set up ‘The Ragged School’ to educate the poor, as well as tackling homelessness in the East End of London. His work gave rise to an international charity, which has two shops in Lytham alone.

It was lovely to see so many parents joining us for the assembly and for all their support in encouraging the children to write as much as possible, whether it is letters to pen pals, lists for the supermarket shop, or holiday diaries. At school, we encourage the children’s love of writing and reading through our dedicated clubs. We also welcome children to submit their account of school visits and events as part of our ‘AKS Reporters’ initiative. Writing can be submitted to class teachers for inclusion on our student blogs, website and Facebook pages.


AUTHOR: Alex Brown
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