Our new charity, the AKS Lytham Foundation has now launched!

Our new charity, the AKS Lytham Foundation has now launched!

Our new charity, the AKS Lytham Foundation has now launched!

PUBLISHED 22 May 2023

The AKS Lytham Foundation is hoping to provide life changing opportunities for young people in Lancashire.

On Friday 5th May, we officially launched the school’s new charity, the AKS Lytham Foundation. We were delighted to welcome our new Foundation patrons and guest speakers to the evening alongside many alumni from our heritage schools. In an ideal world, the opportunities that an AKS Lytham education offers would be available to any bright young person, regardless of their family’s circumstances. This long held belief is the reason why we established the Foundation.

Historically, our heritage schools always supported children through the Direct Grant Scheme, and we hope to rekindle those opportunities through our new Bursary Appeal.

Phil Owen, Chair of Governors said:

“The bursary appeal will allow us to offer more bursaries than we currently do so that we can reach out and find those talented young people who would really enjoy a life changing opportunity to study at a school like AKS Lytham and experience a progressive, exciting and outward-facing education”.

Unlike many schools that benefit from an endowment to start a Foundation, we are building an entirely new fund to achieve our ambition.

Chris Dickson, Chair of the Foundation explains:

"Our first ambition is to be able to offer fully-funded bursaries so that we can provide financial support to those young people who would benefit the most. This would mean that an AKS Lytham Foundation Bursary would cover not only tuition but all associated costs such as uniform, curriculum trips and lunches”.

We are delighted to share with you our new Bursary Appeal film which introduces our ambition for the newly launched AKS Lytham Foundation.

CATEGORIES: News, OAKS, Charities
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