Year 7 take on Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Year 7 take on Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Year 7 take on Goldilocks and the Three Bears

PUBLISHED 13 December 2024

The whole of year 7 took to the stage this week and have showcased their many weeks of hard work in music lessons with a brilliant performance of their first music production Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the classic fairy tale you all know and love, but with a twist!

In this reimagined version of the fairytale, Goldilocks is put on trial for all of the crimes that she commits, such as breaking and entering into the poor bear family home; stealing their deliciously made breakfast; and vandalising their priceless antique possessions.

The audience is kept on the edge of their seats as they are led through the evidence to determine Goldilocks’ guilt or innocence.

Goldilocks, with cotton socks and innocent looks, pleads her innocence, whereas the prosecution argue the real victims are the bears, whose perfect family home is sabotaged leaving them upset, hungry and out of pocket.

Goldilocks appears to have escaped justice again, convincing the jury of her innocence as the three bears are left without getting the justice they were after. As Goldilocks dances off into the distance, having gotten away with her crimes, the poor bear family take matters into their own hands as Little Bear chases her down to retrieve his stolen porridge!

The audience thoroughly enjoyed the performances, with harmonious singing from the year 7 Choir. 

Students added to the drama of the music by adding dialogue between songs to progress the story. Speaking roles (in order of appearance): Judge - Grace W, Prosecution - Arabella C,  Father Bear - Harry P, Mother Bear - Rayya R, Goldilocks - Elena B, Little Bear - Jack L.

Well done Year 7!


Review by Sal A (7A)

CATEGORIES: News, Senior School
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