Prep pupils shine at their instrumental concert

Prep pupils shine at their instrumental concert

Prep pupils shine at their instrumental concert

PUBLISHED 17 November 2022

“Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here!” Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, JK Rowling

Music has been key this week in AKS, as the instrumental showcase proved to be an AKS tour de force.

Performers from Years 1 to 6 demonstrated skill, talent, persistence, determination and pure joy as they showcased their hard work this first term. Ably guided by our wonderful peripatetic teachers, our students performed a wide range of music on a wide range of instruments, and as staff members we could not be prouder. To stand up and perform takes courage, but every single child, no matter their stage of development, whether seasoned performers or first time legends, their performances didn't hold back!

But, this is not the last performance of the year, not by a long shot! They will have chance in the run up to Christmas to perform in a wide variety of events and concerts. Most notably at the Christmas Spectacular on the 2nd of December. All students from Years 3 to 6 will be performing as part of the Prep Orchestra, and we can't wait to hear them play! Please spread the word!

Mr Thomas

AUTHOR: Alex Brown
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