Prep School awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag

Prep School awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag

Prep School awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag

PUBLISHED 26 July 2023

We're delighted to announce that the Prep School have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag in recognition of their efforts and comitment to environmentalism. Debbie Smith, Year 1 Class Teacher, Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning) who supports the Prep School Council's environmental efforts shared her pride in receiving the following feedback from the Eco-Schools Team:

"It’s very impressive that you have formed such a large Eco-Committee. It shows that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and committed to being active and creating positive change. This knowledge and attitude has provided your school with excellent foundations for the many successes that you’ve achieved this year...

...Your Action Plan is a really considered piece of work with a lot of SMART thinking. This is a mature approach - self-reflective practice, research-led planning and critical thinking - and shows an Eco-Committee that’s focused on achieving their goals. Brilliant work everyone!...

...we feel lucky that you’ve committed to our programme and delivered the achievements that you have. This is a big achievement. The three curriculum examples provided are a great example of environmental education. They are practical and fun examples of eco-education with a real-life context that will engage young people. We love how you’ve creatively layered them across your classroom studies in such interesting and complimentary ways. You have worked with a variety of different individuals and organisations, relying on their expertise and passion to enrich and inform your Eco-Schools journey. No doubt this was a mutually beneficial experience for all, as these individuals and organisations must have also been inspired by your dedicated Eco-Committee.

We also love to see the children at the beach getting messy and involved, they seem to be having a lot of fun!

We are absolutely blown away with your Eco-Code song! Such wonderful voices and a great message to share to all. It’s a great reflection of the ethos your Eco-Committee have created and believe it will no doubt be treasured by everyone at the school - well done to all involved!

Thank you so much for submitting such a terrific application. We have loved reading about your journey and are incredibly impressed by all you have achieved.

We have no hesitation in awarding you an Eco-Schools Green Flag, congratulations!"

AUTHOR: Alex Brown
CATEGORIES: News, Prep School
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