AKS students receive a special thank you and certificate for volunteering

AKS students receive a special thank you and certificate for volunteering

AKS students receive a special thank you and certificate for volunteering

PUBLISHED 09 June 2022

We were delighted to receive a certificate from Duke of Edinburgh Head Office earlier this week thanking AKS students for the 1,157 hours of volunteering that they have done as part of the programme, from 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022. These hours equate to a social value of £5345.34.

The Duke of Edinburgh programme told us:

"We know from hearing thousands of stories that volunteering has a huge impact on young people. That’s why it’s such an essential part of a DofE programme.

Whether it’s by giving back to their community, developing a passion for a particular cause, or learning a new skill through their volunteering activity, the Volunteering section changes lives and has a positive impact on communities."

Well done to all our of students that have contributed to these hours of volunteering - we are incredibly proud of you all.
CATEGORIES: News, Senior School
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